Retailers who think 'going green' is just another fad or marketing ploy should think again. Consumers are becoming more aware of their overall impact on our communities. Shoppers are developing more of a green attitude as a way of life and retailers need to be there to meet those needs.
By implementing sustainable practices, retail businesses can become more efficient and save money in the process. The small business owner may think the cost and trouble of going green isn't worth the return, but the fact is each eco-friendly idea retailers adopt can make a huge difference to our planet.
Going Green: Tips for Retailers Ways to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Colon Cancer
Timing of Treatment After Surgery
A study presented at the recent Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium in San Francisco aimed to answer this question. The study authors hope the information will help people make more informed treatment decisions that will give them the highest likelihood of a colon cancer cure.
Colon Cancer Meta-Analysis for Better Understanding
The researchers weren't able to conduct a randomized controlled trial, but they did the next best thing. They collected information (data) from nine studies that included 14,357 colon cancer patients.
They analyzed all of this information together in a type of study called a meta-analysis. The larger number of patients being studied in a meta-analysis allows for statistical testing that wouldn't be possible in smaller studies.
Within Four Weeks Optimal
After considering all of this information, the researchers found:
- Patients treated within four weeks of surgery had a better chance of survival compared with people who started chemotherapy more than four weeks post-surgery.
- There was a 15% increased risk of disease recurrence at five years after diagnosis, for every additional four weeks of treatment delay, beyond the initial four weeks after surgery.
- There was 12% increased risk of death at five years after diagnosis, for every additional four weeks of treatment delay, beyond the initial four weeks after surgery.
- Even though risk of recurrence went up with every additional four weeks after surgery that a patient didn't start chemotherapy, there was still some benefit to receiving chemotherapy even after three months post-surgery.
If you have been diagnosed with colon cancer, ask your doctor what steps you can take to help yourself heal and get your strength back after surgery. This will help ensure you're ready to tackle chemotherapy as soon as possible.
If you have to wait longer than four weeks after surgery to start chemotherapy, you still can get benefit from your treatment. However, you'll want to work with your medical team to come up with a good plan for monitoring your health after treatment ends.
The best way to treat any type of cancer recurrence is to catch it as soon as possible after it occurs.
Comparison of Treatments for Advanced Cancer
What is Induction Chemotherapy?
Often, chemotherapy is given after surgery to remove the tumor from the colon. Induction chemotherapy, however, is given before surgery. The goal is to shrink tumors with the hope of making surgery more successful.
In most cases, smaller tumors are easier to remove than larger ones. Induction chemotherapy also may be able to eliminate or slow down cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body.
A recently published trial compared risks and benefits of two induction chemotherapy methods in 244 people with advanced (metastatic) colon cancer:
- FOLFIRI - a combination of the chemotherapy medications 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan
- FOLFOXIRI - a combination of the chemotherapy medications 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin
After following the group for a median (similar to average) of five years, the researchers found that:
- The FOLFOXIRI group had median progression-free survival of 9.8 months vs. 6.8 months for the FOLFIRI group.
- The FOLFOXIRI group had median overall survival of 23.4 months vs. 16.7 months for the FOLFIRI group.
- The FOLFOXIRI group had a 5-year survival rate of 15% vs. 8% for the FOLFIRI group.
The 5-year survival rate was nearly doubled in the FOLFOXIRI group compared with the FOLFIRI group.
Making Your Best Treatment Choices
You probably noticed that the main difference between these two treatments was the addition of one chemotherapy drug, called oxaliplatin. With every new drug that is added to cancer treatment, the chances of side effects go up.
Sometimes these side effects are more of a nuisance. Other side effects can be debilitating and painful, so it's important to fully understand the risks and benefits of any treatment you are considering. The chances to double your odds of survival may be worth serious side effects to some people, but not to others.
Only you know what is right for you. Consult with your family and friends. Discuss the options with your medical team. Get second opinions if you need them. Once you know all the facts, you can move forward with your treatment plan for advanced colon cancer.
Use Bevacizumab with Caution
Blood vessel growth is referred to as angiogenesis, so bevacizumab is an angiogenesis inhibitor. The objective is to "starve" the tumor by preventing it from getting a good blood supply.
Bevacizumab is often used to treat advanced colon cancers, those that have spread beyond the colon to other parts of the body. In addition to colon cancer, bevacizumab is used to treat advanced cancers of the breast, lung, kidney, pancreas, and prostate.
The Big Picture on Bevacizumab
Now researchers have conducted the largest study to date on bevacizumab, to determine potential risks and benefits of this treatment. The researchers performed a type of study known as a meta-analysis. A meta-analysis allows information (data) from many studies to be considered (analyzed) together.
The larger number of patients being studied in a meta-analysis allows for statistical testing that wouldn't be possible in smaller studies. In this way, meta-analysis helps researchers get a better picture of the overall risks and benefits of a given treatment.
Bevacizumab by the Numbers
The most important thing to come out of this new study is that the risk of fatal side effects, which is any side effect that results in a patient's death, is higher than originally suspected. Compared with people receiving standard chemotherapy alone, those who received standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab had a 46% increased risk of dying (having a fatal adverse event).
Another way to look at this is that 1.7% of people receiving standard chemotherapy alone had a fatal adverse event (death) vs. 2.5% of people receiving chemotherapy plus bevacizumab. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is. Unless a treatment has a very significant benefit, even a tiny increase in the risk of death must be considered as a potential reason not to use that treatment.
Problematic Combinations
The biggest problems with bevacizumab seemed to occur when it was used in combination with certain other medications. The risk death in patients receiving bevacizumab plus taxanes or platinum drugs was about three and a half times higher than the risk in people taking bevacizumab and other medications.
The Bevacizumab Bottom Line
Bevacizumab can be a useful treatment for advanced colon cancer, but it needs to be considered with care and respect. If your doctor would like to use this medication as part of your treatment, find out all the facts. Ask specifically about the risk of very serious side effects, such as excessive bleeding or blood clots.
Be sure to ask how these risks will be managed and what you can do to keep the risk as low as possible. And always ask for the full list of potential risks and benefits of any treatment you're receiving.
An informed patient is much more likely to make the right treatment decisions for his or her particular situation. It's OK to question your doctor and it's OK to get a second opinion.
The Importance of Caring for the Mind
In this commentary, Dr. David Spiegel, MD, highlights the importance of attending to the mental, emotional, and psychological needs of people living with advanced cancer. He points to studies suggesting that supportive information sessions on resuscitation preferences, pain control, and quality of life, as well as cancer support groups, can significantly extend life in those with advanced cancer. Not only that, people have a much better quality of life too.
Taking Care of Your Needs
One of the most important messages to take away from this commentary is that when cancer cannot be cured, providing supportive care and mental/emotional resources for people may extend life more effectively than treating the disease aggressively.
However, this does not mean that people should give up hope or give up on treatment. That is not the key message. The commentary simply points to the potential downsides of providing treatment at the expense of providing supportive care. You can seek to get the best of both worlds.
If you have advanced cancer and are pursuing aggressive treatment, don't forget to take care of your mind too. Aggressive treatment often causes people to focus on the medical issues, leaving little focus on coping with the stresses of cancer and its treatment.
Talk to your medical care team about supportive and informational services that are available to you. If the thought of walking into a room full of people with cancer who are talking about their emotional concerns is overwhelming, consider online support resources.
Temel JS, Greer JA, Muzikansky A, Gallagher ER, Admane S, Jackson VA, Dahlin CM, Blinderman CD, Jacobsen J, Pirl WF, Billings JA, Lynch TJ. Early palliative care for patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 2010;363:733-42.
Spiegel D, Bloom JR, Kraemer HC, Gottheil E. Effect of psychosocial treatment on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Lancet 1989;2:888-91.
Go Green!
Whether you're planning your next home's design, renovating your existing abode or merely interested in saving water and saving energy to lower your household expenses, green is the way to go. It can take very little effort to go green. Of course if you're designing your next home to be more earth friendly, you'll have lots of ways to green your plans.
But even the smallest effort can pay off for you and the environment. Recycling, conserving and sometimes just a few simple changes can reap substantial rewards. Buying more efficient home appliances can also add to your green endeavors. And when it comes to food - storing it right and canning or preserving is also living green. Find ways to go green and leave a gentler
By Mariette Mifflin
Headaches & Migraines
Avoiding Migraine Triggers
As many sufferers know, changes in temperature and weather can spell trouble in the form of more migraine attacks, with certain seasons being especially bad for people over other times of the year.
There are proactive ways to try and ward migraines off before they strike, however, and these tips for avoiding weather-related triggers are a great starting point.
Stroke or Headache? When Migraine Symptoms Mimic Stroke Symptoms
But during a follow up interview, Branson revealed that she suffered from a complex migraine. The symptoms of a complex migraine, slurred speech and slight numbness on the side of the face, mimic that of a stroke.
According to Branson, she came down with a severe headache around 10PM. As she reviewed her notes, "the words on the page are blurry" and she noticed that her "thoughts were not forming the way they normally do." While on air, there was an numbness on the right side of her face that prevented of her from saying what she wanted.
While the symptoms of a complex migraine and a stroke may appear similar, the two conditions are different. A complex migraine is caused by an electrical malfunction in the brain, while stroke is caused by a restriction of blood to the brain. Also, the effects of a complex migraine are reversible. The symptoms only last up to an hour at the most.
If you are feeling any of the symptoms of a severe migraine, especially for an extended period of time, don't hesitate to see a doctor.
FDA Approves Botox for Chronic Migraine Treatment
After a decade of study and debate, the Food and Drug Administration has finally approved Botox to treat chronic migraines. Patients who experience debilitating migraines 14 days a month or more may experience a reduction in their symptoms with injections in the face and neck of the drug, Allergan's onabotulinumtoxinA, which was originally created to reduce wrinkles by inducing muscle contractions. The FDA's new recommendation says that treatment every 12 weeks should be sufficient for chronic migraine sufferers.
Study IDs Possible Genetic Link to Migraines
That's why it's a big deal that an international team of researchers, having studied data from 50,000 people, identified a genetic risk factor associated with common migraines. The DNA variant in question affects the regulation of the neurotransmitter glutamate. It seems that this variant's effect is to thwart the clearance of glutamate from the synapses, potentially resulting in a migraine-inducing neurotransmitter buildup.
Needless to say, these findings have the potential to affect migraine treatments down the line.
Prostate Cancer
The Most Common Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
The most common symptoms of prostate cancer relate to problems with urinating. The prostate gland is located just under the bladder and wraps around the beginning of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body). When cancer or BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) cause the prostate to enlarge there are numerous urinary symptoms that can develop. These are often the first symptoms of prostate cancer.
There are a number of less common symptoms as well.
There is much more to learn about both common and uncommon symptoms of prostate cancer.
The Importance of Updating Family Histories
The study showed the importance of an up-to-date family history for obtaining the appropriate cancer screening tests. For example, updating your doctor as to a sibling who has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer may significantly alter your doctor's recommendations for you as to when you should begin screening tests for prostate cancer.
Nearly all types of cancer have a set of screening recommendations for those individuals who are thought to be of normal risk of developing the disease and a second set of recommendations for those who are thought to be of high risk of developing the disease. One of the most common reasons for being considered "high risk" is to have a close family member (or multiple family members) who have been diagnosed with the disease.
Prostate cancer is well known to have a strong familial risk factor and it is important to let your doctor know when/if someone in your family is diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Combination Treatment May Increase Long-Term Prostate Cancer Survival
The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, followed men for over 10 years who had undergone either radiation therapy alone or radiation therapy plus hormone therapy for their prostate cancer. The results showed that there was an overall significantly increased survival in the men treated with both therapies.
At the time of treatment, the men were categorized into low, medium, and high risk groups. The results showed that men in the low and risk groups showed no definite increased survival benefit from the hormone therapy, while the intermediate group did.
Of concern, the men who were treated with both radiation therapy and hormone therapy reported increased rates of erectile dysfunction than those treated with radiation alone.
New, Expensive Prostate Cancer Treatments Getting Lots of Attention
That is, of course, great news for men with prostate cancer.
The drugs have been receiving a great deal of attention both inside and outside the healthcare world not only because they represent significant steps forward in the fight against prostate cancer, but also because they carry very large price tags.
The three drugs (Provenge, Zytiga, and Jevtana) each costs tens of thousands of dollars over the course of just a few months. Additionally, many men may receive more than one of these medications in succession in hopes of further increasing their survival - thus greatly increasing the price tag per patient.
In recent weeks, several prominent media outlets, politicians, and government agencies have cast their attention on these new, expensive prostate cancer treatments. Expect much more scrutiny of pricey treatments in the coming months as increasing health care costs become even more center stage for the U.S.
10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green
1. Save energy to save money.
- Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
- Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
- Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a "smart" power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
- Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
- Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.
- Take shorter showers to reduce water use. This will lower your water and heating bills too.
- Install a low-flow showerhead. They don't cost much, and the water and energy savings can quickly pay back your investment.
- Make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet. These inexpensive appliances conserve heat and water, while keeping water pressure high.
- Plant drought-tolerant native plants in your garden. Many plants need minimal watering. Find out which occur naturally in your area.
- Walk or bike to work. This saves on gas and parking costs while improving your cardiovascular health and reducing your risk of obesity.
- Consider telecommuting if you live far from your work. Or move closer. Even if this means paying more rent, it could save you money in the long term.
- Lobby your local government to increase spending on sidewalks and bike lanes. With little cost, these improvements can pay huge dividends in bettering your health and reducing traffic.
- If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it's even more expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs.
- Buy locally raised, humane, and organic meat, eggs, and dairy whenever you can. Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy.
- Watch videos about why local food and sustainable seafood are so great.
- Whatever your diet, eat low on the food chain [pdf]. This is especially true for seafood.
- Use a water filter to purify tap water instead of buying bottled water. Not only is bottled water expensive, but it generates large amounts of container waste.
- Bring a reusable water bottle, preferably aluminum rather than plastic, with you when traveling or at work.
- Check out this short article for the latest on bottled water trends.
- Go online to find new or gently used secondhand products. Whether you've just moved or are looking to redecorate, consider a service like craigslist or FreeSharing to track down furniture, appliances, and other items cheaply or for free.
- Check out garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment shops for clothing and other everyday items.
- When making purchases, make sure you know what's "Good Stuff" and what isn't.
- Watch a video about what happens when you buy things. Your purchases have a real impact, for better or worse.
- Borrow from libraries instead of buying personal books and movies. This saves money, not to mention the ink and paper that goes into printing new books.
- Share power tools and other appliances. Get to know your neighbors while cutting down on the number of things cluttering your closet or garage.
- Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money and packaging.
- Wear clothes that don't need to be dry-cleaned. This saves money and cuts down on toxic chemical use.
- Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you'll be happy when you don't have to replace items as frequently (and this means less waste!).
- Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible.
- Donate or recycle them responsibly when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxics and is a growing environmental problem.
- Recycle your cell phone.
- Ask your local government to set up an electronics recycling and hazardous waste collection event.
- The big secret: you can make very effective, non-toxic cleaning products whenever you need them. All you need are a few simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and soap.
- Making your own cleaning products saves money, time, and packaging-not to mention your indoor air quality.
Does Asthma Affect Your Sex Life
More Input From You
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- What Causes Asthma?
Learn what happens in your lungs when asthma strikes. - What Are Bronchodilators?
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Your inhaler is a very important piece of equipment. Learn more about how it works.
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Swimming Pools & Your Asthma
The research claims that chlorine may increase risk of and exacerbate asthma. I wondered what sort of pools our readers are using and if many of you avoid chlorinated pools. Does chlorination worsen or exacerbate your asthma? What do you think? Take the poll and leave a comment.
Does Swimming In A Chlorinated Pool Worsen Your Asthma? |
Skin Cancer
It's official: Tanning is an addiction
The study surveyed University of Albany, in Albany, NY, college students. Of the 229 responders who have used tanning beds, 39.3% met the criteria for addiction. Those that were considered addicted to tanning showed classic signs of addiction - several unsuccessful attempts to completely stop or cut back on tanning; feeling annoyed when they were told they should stop; and skipping work, school or other scheduled activities to go to the tanning salon.
Slightly of two-thirds of the study participants were female.
Researchers say non-melanoma skin cancer at epidemic level
In that year, an estimated 3,507,693 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer were treated, affecting 2,152,500 people according to Howard Rogers, MD, PhD, of Advanced Dermatology in Norwich, Conn., and colleagues.
But between 2002 and 2006, Rogers and colleagues found that the number of procedures for nonmelanoma skin cancer per affected person increased 1.5% and the number of people who had at least one procedure increased by 14.3%.
"There is an epidemic of nonmelanoma skin cancer in the U.S.," they wrote, adding that "educational programs emphasizing sun protection have mainly been disappointing in slowing skin cancer rates."
"This is only going to get worse," said Dr. Suephy Chen, an associate professor of dermatology at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta told Fox47. "Our population is aging. Those people who grew up in the 1970s and 1980s when there was not a big sun-protection message out there are now coming into their 50s and 60s and are starting to develop skin cancers."
To lessen your chances of getting skin cancer, dermatologists recommend applying broad-spectrum sunscreen liberally and often; wearing hats and other protective clothing when out in the sun; avoiding sun exposure when the sun's rays are the strongest -- between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. -- and never using tanning beds. This advice is especially useful in the upcoming summer months.
It's especially important to take these steps with children and teens, Rogers said. Skin cancer is turning up in younger and younger patients. In the past week or so, he removed non-melanoma cancer off the cheek of a 17-year-old boy and removed a melanoma from an 18-year-old girl.
Share your skin cancer diagnosis story's Guide to Cancer has created a space for you to share your story with others. Be sure to check there frequently to see when others have posted their stories.
Is PLX4032 the future of melanoma treatment?
The drug, which targets a specific gene mutation that drives cancer growth, has been shown to shrink tumors by more than 30% in 9 of the 16 melanoma patients in the phase 1 trial. However, it will take much more research before this treatment option is widely available.
You can read more about the specific outcomes of the PLX4032 trial in this Medical News Today article.
Five Ways to Help Save the Planet in 30 Minutes or Less
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Here are five simple things you can do—in 30 minutes or less—to help protect the environment and save Planet Earth.
Drive Less, Drive Smart
Every time you leave your car at home you reduce air pollution, lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve your health and save money.
Walk or ride a bicycle for short trips, or take public transportation for longer ones. In 30 minutes, most people can easily walk a mile or more, and you can cover even more ground on a bicycle, bus, subway or commuter train. Research has shown that people who use public transportation are healthier than those who don’t. Families that use public transportation can save enough money annually to cover their food costs for the year.
When you do drive, take the few minutes needed to make sure your engine is well maintained and your tires properly inflated.
- Benefits of Public Transportation
- Keeping Your Tires Properly Inflated Could Help Save the Planet—and Your Life
Eating less meat and more fruits, grains and vegetables can help the environment more than you may realize. Eating meat, eggs and dairy products contributes heavily to global warming, because raising animals for food produces many more greenhouse gas emissions than growing plants. A 2006 report by the University of Chicago found that adopting a vegan diet does more to reduce global warming than switching to a hybrid car. Raising animals for food also uses enormous amounts of land, water, grain and fuel. Every year in the United States alone, 80 percent of all agricultural land, half of all water resources, 70 percent of all grain, and one-third of all fossil fuels are used to raise animals for food.
Making a salad doesn’t take any more time than cooking a hamburger and it’s better for you—and for the environment.
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Producing plastic bags uses a lot of natural resources, and most end up as litter that fouls landscapes, clogs waterways, and kills thousands of marine mammals that mistake the ubiquitous bags for food. Worldwide, up to a trillion plastic bags are used and discarded every year—more than a million per minute. The count for paper bags is lower, but the cost in natural resources is still unacceptably high—especially when there is a better alternative. Reusable shopping bags, made of materials that don’t harm the environment during production and don’t need to be discarded after each use, reduce pollution and save resources that could be put to better uses than making plastic and paper bags. Reusable bags are convenient and come in a variety of sizes and styles. Some reusable bags can even be rolled or folded small enough to fit into a purse or pocket.
Change Your Light Bulbs
Compact fluorescent light bulbs and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are more energy efficient and less expensive to use than the traditional incandescent bulbs invented by Thomas Edison. For example, compact fluorescent light bulbs use at least two-thirds less energy than standard incandescent bulbs to provide the same amount of light, and they last up to 10 times longer. Compact fluorescent light bulbs also generate 70 percent less heat, so they are safer to operate and can reduce energy costs associated with cooling homes and offices. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, if every U.S. household replaced just one regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, it would prevent 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, the equivalent of taking 7.5 million cars off the road. On top of that, for every incandescent bulb you replace with an approved compact fluorescent light bulb, you will save consumers $30 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.
- Change a Light Bulb and Change the World
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Many banks, utilities and other businesses now offer their customers the option of paying bills online, eliminating the need to write and mail paper checks or to keep paper records. By paying your bills online you can save time and money, lower the administrative costs of companies with which you do business, and reduce global warming by helping to prevent deforestation. Signing up for online bill paying is easy and doesn’t take much time. You can either choose to have certain bills paid automatically each month or elect to review and pay each bill yourself. Either way, you will receive outstanding returns on your small investment of time.
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10 Easy Ways Your Business Can Go Green
Whether you run a home-based business or a brick-and-mortar retail business, there are simple, easy things you can do to go green. And operating a green business is not only good for the environment but good for your business's bottom line because conserving resources and cutting down on waste saves money.
Here are just ten easy-to-implement ideas for running a green business from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Greening Operations guides that you can put into practice right now to make your business a more environmentally friendly place.
Whether you run a home-based business or a brick-and-mortar retail business an off-site enterprise, there are simple, easy things you can do to go green. And operating a green business is not only good for the environment but good for your business's bottom line because conserving resources and cutting down on waste saves money.
Go green by:
1. Turning off equipment when it's not being used. This can reduce the energy used by 25 percent; turning off the computers at the end of the day can save an additional 50 percent.
2. Encouraging communications by email, and reading email messages onscreen to determine whether it's necessary to print them. If it's not, don't!
3. Reducing fax-related paper waste by using a fax-modem and by using a fax cover sheet only when necessary. Fax-modems allow documents to be sent directly from a computer, without requiring a printed hard copy.
4. Producing double-sided documents whenever possible.
5. Not leaving taps dripping; always close them tightly after use. (One drop wasted per second wastes 10,000 litres per year.)
6. Installing displacement toilet dams in toilet reservoirs. Placing one or two plastic containers filled with stones (not bricks) in the toilet's reservoir will displace about 4 litres of water per flush - a huge reduction of water use over the course of a year.
7. Finding a supply of paper with maximum available recycled content.
8. Choosing suppliers who take back packaging for reuse.
9. Instigating an ongoing search for "greener" products and services in the local community. The further your supplies or service providers have to travel, the more energy will be used to get them to you.
10. Before deciding whether you need to purchase new office furniture, see if your existing office furniture can be refurbished. It's less expensive than buying new and better for the environment.
Be Green, For Clean
Think Globally, Act Locally Teman2, Mungkin pastinya pernah anda baca, dengar & ketahui apa itu Go Green' Jadi Please...,1x lagi teman2 semua, dengan ajakan ini, kiranya dapat men'support & men'sukseskan ajakan untuk Hidup Lebih HIJAU, Lebih BERSIH & STOP Global Warming". | |
Dengan kesadaran yang tinggi kita sebagai Anak Bangsa yang masih memiliki Rasa & Jiwa Patriotisme sebagai generasi penerus bangsa untuk bersama2 menjadi; Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa' untuk Berbakti dalam Misi menyelamatkan Bumi Tercinta Ibu Pertiwi dan Anak Cucu kita dengan Go Green INDONESIA KU' Ayo..Teman semua, terus suarakan Misi Go Green INDONESIA KU' Bumi & Anak Cucu kita membutuhkan kita semua untuk : *Be Green >> Tanam 1 Pohon. *For Clean >> Buang Sampah Jangan Sembarangan' & Pisahkan Sampah Organik & Non Organik. Dengan melakukan tindakan nyata' : TANAM 1 POHON " untuk SEUMUR HIDUP ANDA = 1 Bakti untuk Bumi Indonesia Ibu Pertiwi + 1 Bukti Cinta pada Anak Cucu. Jangan Tunda, Sampe Lupa". Mohon untuk teman2 sebagai Pemerhati, Relawan, Aktivis dan Pecinta Lingkungan untuk dapat kiranya Sharing', baik berupa Berita, Opini, Foto2 & Informasi tentang Lingkungan. Ayo...terus suarakan, Go Green INDONESIA KU' Untuk Membuat Indonesia Lebih Hijau & Bersih. |
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Don’t Spend More Money for Spa
As we know that many people are very pleased doing a spa in their leisure time. By doing a spa, one can relieve stress. Although the spa is very useful for human’s health, tariffs incurred to perform spa can often disrupt your finances.
If you don’t want to spend more money in spa, you can do it at home. This can be learned through the magazines or the Internet. You can find lots of tips about the spa from these media. Don’t Spend More Money for Spa.
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe for Your Health?
In medicine, the laser may not be a new thing, laser is widely used in helping medical efforts. The development of laser use in the health sector has also affected to beauty sector. One of them is used for hair removal, as can be found in laser hair removal Philadelphia. But did you know that laser hair removal safe for your health?
The process of laser hair removal is a process of laser penetrates the top layer of the dermis with a certain wavelength of light by targeting melanin in hair follicles. Hair follicle is a place of hair grows and where sebaceous glands open. Follicle is limited by the cells that originated from the epidermal layer of skin. These hair follicles through the growth cycle of five years, with an average growth of about 15 cm per year. Is Laser Hair Removal Safe for Your Health?
Payday Loans, a Short-Term Solution for your Medical Problems
The future of human’s life can not be predicted with certainty, as well as human’s health. Although we have been maintaining our health through exercise, healthy food and running a healthy lifestyle, we never know when a disease can attack us. When a disease attacks us it means there will be spending money from your wallet.
Maybe you and I have prepared a health fund if one day our healthy body is attacked by a disease, you and I may already have a health insurance and savings for this. Yes, this is the best efforts for those of you who think your health in the future. What can you do if a disease attacks your health and then reached into your wallet exceed health budget that you have been prepared so far? Payday Loans, a Short-Term Solution for your Medical Problems.
How to Help Hearing Loss with Digital Hearing Aids?
The rapid development of the world and today’s lifestyle causes a lot of people have hearing loss. Hearing loss is caused by many things, one of the factors is a lot of noise pollution in big cities. For example, hearing loss caused by loud noise is the sound of subway or listening to MP3 players at high volume can cause permanent hearing loss over time.
Based on research reports published by Journal of the American Medical Association, edition of 18 August 2010, American teenagers aged 12-19 years are much more likely to have hearing problems compared with a survey on 20 years ago. From these facts, it is no wonder if cases of hearing loss are not only found in those who aged over 45 years. And it’s not unusual when one day you find a teenager buy hearing aids. How to Help Hearing Loss with Digital Hearing Aids?
Pre Existing Conditions and Health Insurance
In this health article, I will discuss a topic of Pre Existing Conditions and Health Insurance. Of course for those of you who already have health insurance for pre existing conditions, must understand what the pre-existing conditions are. Pre-existing conditions is a condition of person’s health prior to apply a health insurance.
Pre existing conditions will be a consideration for an insurance company to accept or reject your health insurance application. If you have a lot of records about your health problems would certainly be a very high risk for an insurance company to cover you. Pre Existing Conditions and Health Insurance.
Caffeine Intake, The Benefits and Risks for Healthy Life
Caffeine is used commonly around the world. It helps professionals get through the day, aides students in pulling all-nighters, and serves as a key ingredient in one of the most popular social drinks in the world, coffee. The benefits and risks of caffeine use, however, are debated among the medical community. So, are there any true benefits to drinking caffeine? And how can we avoid the risks?
First of all, what exactly is caffeine? Caffeine is a naturally occurring compound that is found in the beans, leaves and fruit of particular plants. Caffeine is actually classified as a psychoactive stimulant drug. This means that it crosses into the brain and acts upon the central nervous system, altering perception. In fact, caffeine is the only psychoactive drug in the world that is legal and unregulated. The effects of caffeine intake are, like other stimulants, changes in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, and behavior. It temporarily ends drowsiness and stimulates alertness in the body. Caffeine Intake, The Benefits and Risks for Healthy Life.
Life Insurance
Life insurance can allow you to continue protecting your loved ones financially after you have gone. Modern life is an increasingly expensive business. Many of us carrying large, long-term debts like a mortgage for most of our adult life. This means that an untimely death can be the cause of not just emotional distress for those that survive us, but also significant financial strife. It should therefore come as no surprise that the life insurance industry is so highly developed. Alongside the traditional dedicated insurance industry, there are now many other types of institution such as the high street bank Santander offering life insurance. The resulting competition in the market means that although there can be a bewildering range of options when you start looking for life insurance, there are also some real bargains to be found.
It is important to allow yourself time for some clear thinking when you approach this subject. The life insurance market is too large and complicated for a quick shop to yield the best results. Life Insurance.
How insurance companies make money
The term ‘insurance’ covers a huge range of different products. There are significant differences between many insurance policies, but there are also certain core similarities in the way that all of these products work. To continue to function, insurance companies must make a profit. This is an obvious truth from the point of view of the owner or shareholders, but it is also important for customers, as the company must remain operational to be able to meet the obligations set out in the insurance policies sold. Here is a brief overview of how insurance providers like Santander make money.
The most obvious source of revenue for insurance companies comes through the premiums charged to customers. Determining the price of these premiums is a highly complex business. On one hand, the behaviour of competitors in the market has an impact on the amount that can be charged in insurance premiums if the company is to remain viable. How insurance companies make money.
What is Physical Therapy Treatment?
Today probably more people are familiar with the term of physical therapy, they may know a physical therapy treatment only to recovery for those who suffer stroke, even though many health problems which could be healed through physical therapy treatments.
Physical Therapy or Physiotherapy also called, is one branch of medical science that is closely related to human physical and daily activities, deepening the role of human gestures and all its problems. Physical therapy treatments can be used to heal sports injuries, arthritis, neck and back pain, rehabilitation after surgery, osteoporosis and other pain.
Physical therapy treatments are needed when you are experiencing health problems and make your trouble to move and perform tasks of daily. A physical therapy treatment will help you move better and may relieve pain. It also helps improve or restore physical function and your fitness level. What is Physical Therapy Treatment?
What is Steroid Injection?
Steroid injection is a process of injecting high doses of corticosteroid drugs to specific body areas. Steroid injection process is usually done if orally steroids can not reach problematic areas. What is Steroid? Steroid, also called corticosteroids are synthetic drugs that are very similar to cortisol, a hormone that produces adrenal glands naturally. Several compounds derived from steroids are cholesterol, ergosterol, progesterone, and estrogen.
Injecting steroids are often used to treat gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or other inflammatory diseases. Not only for the treatment, Steroids are widely used for beauty and body shaping. A doctor will consider a dose of steroids injections for a patient personally by age, physical activity and other drugs a patient is using. Patients who have the potential bleeding problems, steroid injections may cause bleeding if not given carefully. What is Steroid Injection?
How to Increase Libido in Men Naturally?
There are several ways to increase libido in men naturally we will share in this health article. Before you know more about how to increase libido in men naturally, it’s good you know in advance why the level of libido in a man can be decreased.
The level of libido in humans is determined mainly by levels of testosterone in the body. Various things can cause decreased libido in humans. Common causes include the existence of health problems such as diabetes mellitus, a disorder of sex organs, until the existence of psychic stress. In addition to increasing libido with supplements, there are several ways to increase libido in men naturally you can do. How to Increase Libido in Men Naturally?
Food to Avoid with Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are affecting number of people across the globe. The doctors are quite concerned over this medical issue. It is generally seen that erratic eating habits and poor diet also leads to this condition. There are some foods which if taken in large amounts can cause kidney stones. Therefore, it is very important for us to know which all food items cause kidney stones, so that they can be avoided.
The first and the foremost thing of consideration is that majority of stones are formed due calcium. But, cystine, struvite and uric acid also cause kidney stones. It is seen that the food which contain oxalate should be avoided from the diet. The example of such food types are beans, meat, coffee etc. Food to Avoid with Kidney Stones.
What is Casein Protein?
Maybe some of you who do not know what is casein protein? In this health article, we will share information about what is casein protein. Milk consists of three main components: water, fats, and proteins. The proteins contained in milk have two types, namely casein and whey. As we learned in high school, characteristics of proteins is the presence of N element in its chain, unlike fats and carbohydrates which consist only of the elements C, H, and O. The protein is a highly complex compound, consisting of 80% casein and 20% whey. Casein protein is a Phospoprotein type, consisting of several units of amino acids bound by peptide. What is Casein Protein?
8 Easy Ways to Go Green
Don't Buy Something Today
This first step asks you to do nothing, yet it runs counter to just about everything in human civilization because we are, if nothing else, an acquisitive species, so getting things -- food, shelter, Chia pets -- is hardwired into our brains. But green living isn't about products you buy, it's about products you don't buy. So just for one day, step away from Billy the Singing Bass, put your Visa card back in your wallet, and don’t buy something that you probably don’t need anyway.
Tune Up Your Car
And as long as you're hanging on to Bessie, keep that bucket of bolts as efficient as possible by taking good green care of her. Regular tune-ups, smart tire maintenance and other basics of car care will keep the ol' gal running efficiently for years.